Dr. Hani Hanna offers dental crowns and bridges to restore your damaged teeth. During your consultation, our dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and mouth to determine which type of treatment is right for your smile. Call 703-469-7435 today to make an appointment at Grace TMJ and Urgent Dental Care Inc and learn more about dental crowns and bridges in Arlington, Ashburn and McLean, Virginia.
When you visit our dentist your initial restoration consultation, we will start by thoroughly examining your mouth and reviewing your aesthetic goals to determine whether a dental crown or bridge is the more suitable option for your specific oral health needs. These two treatments are commonly used to restore or replace damaged or missing teeth.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns, often referred to as dental caps, are custom designed to fit your teeth perfectly and provide strength, functionality and an improved appearance. They are attached to your original tooth to prevent further damage and are often recommended when you have a tooth that has been negatively impacted by injury, decay or disease. In some cases, a dental implant serves as the base for the crown if your restoration is part of a tooth replacement treatment. Dental crowns are intended to be a long-term solution for improving your oral health and smile.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges serve as functional substitutes for missing teeth, or even a single missing tooth. The loss of a tooth can result in the displacement of your other teeth, leading to an improper bite and difficulty in speaking and chewing. A dental bridge can be used to fill the gap, ensuring your remaining teeth stay in the optimal position in order to maintain or improve your bite and restore the beauty of your smile. Typically, dental bridges are held in place by dental crowns which sit atop the adjacent teeth, or in some cases, the adjacent dental implants.
If you have any queries regarding dental bridges or crowns, or if you want to arrange an appointment with our dentist, please contact our office today.